Accueil » Encouraging Academic Excellence : Minister Fuh Calistus rewards meritorious pupils, students in Donga Mantung

Encouraging Academic Excellence : Minister Fuh Calistus rewards meritorious pupils, students in Donga Mantung

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The population of Donga Mantung Division in the North West region has hailed H.E. Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, for his initiative to promote academic excellence, assist parents and kids return to school and spur them to be hardworking.

The words of praises were delivered to Minister Fuh Calistus by parents, teachers, students, pupils and local administrators during the official launching of the third phase of the Donga Mantung scholarship Fund.

The initiative launched in 2017 and funded annually by H.E. Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry aims at encouraging meritocracy, excellence and hitch free resumption of schools. The initiative is in its third edition with FCFA 18 million allocated for scholarships for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Speaking at the official handing over ceremony of the didactic materials and cash prizes to the laureates, the Divisional Officer of Misaje, Tchayah Thomas saluted the Donga Mantung Scholarship promoter, Fuh Calistus, for his timely gesture, adding that it will go a long way to boost school resumption and instill the spirit of hard-work in the pupils and students.

Misaje Mayor, Sammy Mgbatta Nforkemba, reminded the population of the Minister’s endless gesture to the needy, adding that the scholarship initiative has enabled many children to enter into professional schools.

Laureates included pupils and students who scored excellent results in all end of year examinations – the First School Leaving Certificate, CAP, GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level exams.

The magnificent prizes ranged from FCFA 30.000 to FCFA 150.000 and was accompanied by didactic materials including school bags, books, pens, pencils, rulers among others to basic and secondary schools including anti-COVID-19-kits to help fight the spread of the virus on school campuses.

Tarlishi Oliver Yinyu, Coordinator of the Scholarship Fund disclosed that the impact of the scholarship has been tremendous and has helped to build the human resource base in Misaje and Donga Mantung at large for the past three years. He added that the euphoria demonstrated by students and pupils at the award ceremony was the mark of celebration for a man who has his people at heart.

The laureates and teachers used the ceremony to express gratitude to the Minister for always thinking about them and promised they will make good use of the scholarship and materials in order to continue excelling in their studies. Pupils and students were also sensitized on basic hygiene and sanitation measures to be observed in other not to be contaminated by the Coronavirus.

From Misaje, the scholarships, anti-COVID-19-kits and didactic materials will be distributed in Ako Sub Division on Thursday October 8, 2020 while that of Ndu and Nkambe Sub divisions is billed for Friday.

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