The 2020 competitive entrance exams into the public service for the post of assistant controllers and financial clerks have unfolded throughout the national territory. More than 20,750 candidates have taken part in the 2- day written session of the exams that was launched last April 2020 in Cameroon. While 18,675 candidates are scrambling for the post of assistant controllers for a space of 100, 2,108 candidates have applied for the post of financial clerks of which just 50 persons are needed.
The competition unfolded hitch free all over the national territory on the same day and time .In Yaounde for example, more than 8000 candidates took part in the said exams. The centre region which bore the highest number of candidates in Cameroon were wriiten in schools like, the bilingual high school Nkol-Eton, bilingual high school Etoug Ebe, lycee general leclerc, Government high school Ngoa Ekelle, amongst others in Yaounde.
The candidates were subjected to subjects such as general knowledge, language, notably, French for French speaking students and English for English speaking students as well as mathematics.
This competition which is often launched every year in Cameroon will secure the direct integration or recruitment of persons into the public service for candidates who succeed the written and oral part of the exams.
Unemployment has become a veritable cankerworm in the country today and many are seeking means as such to find something to lean on. No matter how difficult it is to write a concour and succeed in the context of Cameroon many still think that studying hard and trying their luck is very essential. For some, it is the first attempt, for others it is the second, whereas some are sitting in for the fourth or fifth conservative time, hoping that one day luck will smile at their faces.
It is a very challenging task, reason why many have prepared for the exams far before time as one of the students affirm. “I am writing this competitive exams for the second time. Despite the fact that I didn’t succeed the first time doesn’t mean all hope is lost. I still believe that with hardwork and determination, I can make it. I have no one to rely on except my God. I have gone through the compilation of documents and I am writing again, all that cost money. I pray that God includes my name amongst the successful candidates this time around,” a candidate for the post of assistant controller affirmed to this reporter.
After the written session, the successful candidates will then proceed with the oral part of the exams, scheduled to take place in the coming months. In April this year, the Minister of public service and administrative reform signed a decree to launch these direct competitive entrance exams into the public service as has been the case in Cameroon every year.